Corvinus Game Theory Seminar

March 14 (14:00-15:00) room C.714  Sjur Didrik Flåm (University of Bergen, Norway) Title: Optimizers trading Inputs Abstract: Consider a monetized economy in which mathematical optimizers trade inputs to their programs. Suppose everybody worships his pecuniary payoff. Accordingly, each party values marginal inputs Continue Reading …

Corvinus Game Theory Seminar

Feb. 29 (14:00-15:00) room C.714  Sreoshi Banerjee (Budapest University of Technology and Economics) Title: On identifying efficient, fair and stable allocations in ”generalized” sequencing games Abstract: We model sequencing problems as coalitional games and study the Shapley value and the non-emptiness Continue Reading …

CCOR Seminar – Goran Lešaja

The Corvinus Centre for Operations Research (CCOR), the Corvinus Institute for Advanced Studies (CIAS), and the Institute of Operations and Decision Sciences invite you to the minicourse by Professor Goran Lešaja (Georgia Southern University), Kernel-Based Interior-Point Methods for Cartesian 𝒫*(κ)​– Continue Reading …

CCOR Workshop

The Corvinus Center for Operation Research (CCOR) invites you to the CCOR Workshop titled Searching for monostatic polyhedra with optimization.


Gábor Domokos (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
Krisztina Regős (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
Sándor Bozóki  (Institue for Computer Science and Control, Corvinus University of Budapest)
Dávid Papp (North Carolina State University, Non-resident research fellow at CIAS-CCOR)
Gergő Almádi (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)

Date: January 19. (Friday), 11:00-13:15 Continue Reading …

Corvinus Game Theory Seminar

Dec. 7 (13:30-14:30) room C.714  Philipp Külpmann (Corvinus) Title: Purified Randomness? Testing Harsanyi’s Idea in the Lab (with Wieland Müller and Alexander K. Wagner) Abstract: We investigate Harsanyi’s purification idea for mixed-strategy play in a simple (two-player normal-form) Bayesian game Continue Reading …

CCOR minicourse

Professor Goran Lesaja (Georgia Southern University) is a guest of the Corvinus Center for Operation Research (CCOR) this semester. As part of his visit, he will present a minicourse titled Kernel-based Interior-point Methods for Linear Complementarity Problems and Generalizations. Venue: Corvinus University, Building Continue Reading …

CCOR minicourse

Professor Dávid Papp (North Carolina State University) will be a guest of the Corvinus Center for Operation Research (CCOR) in November. As part of his visit, he will present a minicourse titled Sums of squares, nonnegativity certificates, and optimization over Continue Reading …