Yurii Nesterov joined the Corvinus Centre for Operations Research

Yurii Nesterov joined Corvinus Centre for Operations Research (CCOR), Corvinus University of Budapest, as a research professor in February 2024.

He received a Ph.D. degree (Applied Mathematics) in 1984 at the Institute of Control Sciences, Moscow. Since 1993, he has worked at the Center of Operations Research and Econometrics (Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium).

His research interests are related to complexity issues and efficient methods for solving various optimization problems. The main results are obtained in Convex Optimization (optimal methods for smooth problems, polynomial-time interior-point methods, smoothing technique for structural optimization, complexity theory for second-order methods, and optimization methods for huge-scale problems). He is the author of 6 monographs and more than 150 refereed papers in the leading optimization journals. He got several international prizes and recognitions, among them there are

  • Dantzig Prize from SIAM and Mathematical Programming society (2000),
  • von Neumann Theory Prize from INFORMS (2009),
  • SIAM Outstanding paper award (2014),
  • Euro Gold Medal from Association of European Operations Research Societies (2016),
  • Member of Academia Europaea (2021) and National Academy of Sciences (USA, 2022),
  • Lanchester prize from INFROMS (2022).