Corvinus Game Theory Seminar

CIAS invites you to the next talk of the Corvinus Game Theory Seminar. May 5 (12-13) room C.714 Zsófia Dornai (BME)  TU-games with utility: the u-prenucleolus  The u-prenucleolus is a generalisation of the prenucleolus using utility functions. The u-prenucleolus also can be considered as Continue Reading …

Corvinus Game Theory Seminar

CIAS invites you to the next talk of the Corvinus Game Theory Seminar. Apr. 27 (12-13) room C.714 Christopher Stapenhurst (BME QSMS)  Deterring bribery with Scotch Hold ’em Poker  We study principal-monitor-agent problems where monitors can take bribes to hide evidence. We find that the Continue Reading …